Catchy Comedy Schedule

For Columbus, OH

6:00a ET


Minstrel's Shakedown, The (1)

The Minstrel, a medieval lute-playing electronics genius, holds the computerized stock quotations ransom until each exchange member pays him. Batman and Robin try to save the stock market before it crashes. 

6:30a ET


Barbecued Batman? (2)

The Minstrel continues his plan, using a hidden bug to trick Batman and Robin. 

7:00a ET


Spell of Tut, The (1)

When King Tut's minions steal a string of amber beads, Batman and Robin discover a plan to make an ancient potion which controls the human will. 

7:30a ET


Tut's Case Is Shut (2)

Batman and Robin discover a King Tut mole in police headquarters. Chief O'Hara accidentally consumes Tut's ancient potion. 

8:00a ET


Greatest Mother of Them All, The (1)

Gangstress Ma Parker and her fiendish brood rob the audience at the Gotham's Ladies Auxiliary's Mother of the Year Awards Ceremony. 

8:30a ET


Ma Parker (2)

Ma Parker turns the prison into a criminal headquarters and recruits the criminals Batman and Robin jail. 

9:00a ET


Clock King's Crazy Crimes, The (1)

The Clock King uses clocks to scope out before robbing the buyers. Later, Batman and Robin are trapped in a giant hourglass. 

9:30a ET


Clock King Gets Crowned, The (2)

The Clock King's caper winds up at the Wayne Manor when Dick Grayson's aunt buys a tamper clock for Bruce Wayne. 

10:00a ET


Egg Grows in Gotham, An (1)

In an attempt to take over Gotham City, Egghead negotiates with a Mohican chief, who owns and leases the city's land to Gotham's government. 

10:30a ET


Yegg Foes in Gotham, The (2)

Egghead, now in possession of Gotham City fires all of the city officials, banishes The Dynamic Duo from the city, and then declares the city open season for the criminal underworld. 

11:00a ET


Devil's Fingers, The (1)

World-famous concert pianist Chandell aka Fingers plans to dispose of Bruce Wayne and Richard Grayson and then marry Aunt Harriet Cooper, soon-to-be heir of the Wayne fortune. However, his evil brother arrives and thwarts his plan. 

11:30a ET


Dead Ringers, The (2)

The Dynamic Duo form a trap for Fingers by faking their own death and waiting until his henchmen strike back. 

12:00p ET


Hizzoner the Penguin (1)

After several heroic feats, the Penguin campaigns to be the Mayor Of Gotham City! Batman realizes the only way to stop him is to run for mayor himself. 

12:30p ET


Dizzoner the Penguin (2)

A televised debate between Batman and the Penguin is interrupted by a jewel robbery. The Dynamic Duo and the Penguin race to claim victory over the crooks. 

1:00p ET


Green Ice (1)

Mr. Freeze returns for revenge against Batman and Robin. First, he kidnaps a Miss Galaxy Beauty Pageant contestant in order to transform her into his frozen bride. Next, he turns Gotham against the Dynamic Duo by implicating them in a bribe. 

1:30p ET


Deep Freeze (2)

Mr. Freeze continues to taint the Dynamic Duo's reputations and threatens to turn Gotham City to ice unless they pay. 

2:00p ET


Impractical Joker, The (1)

The Joker steals the Jeweled Key Of Kaincardine with the aid of his new invention, a mysterious little spark-spewing box which leaves The Dynamic Duo completely helpless while he escapes. 

2:30p ET


Joker's Provokers, The (2)

Batman saves Robin from a wax machine and confronts Joker and his new time machine. 

3:00p ET


Marsha, Queen of Diamonds (1)

Marsha, Queen of Diamonds, turns Chief O'Hara and Commissioner Gordon into her love slaves and lures Batman and Robin into a trap. 

3:30p ET


Marsha's Scheme of Diamonds (2)

Alfred arrives just in time to stop a wedding between a drugged Batman and Marsha, Queen of Diamonds. 

4:00p ET


Come Back, Shame (1)

Cowboy Shame plans to build a super-powered truck, which will outrace anything, even The Batmobile. Along the way, he befriends a impressionable boy. 

4:30p ET


It's the Way You Play the Game (2)

After a quick escape from death, the Dynamic Duo search for Shame at Laughing Leo's used car lot. Meanwhile, Leo informs Shame Batman and Robin lived. 

5:00p ET


Penguin's Nest, The (1)

The Penguin opens an exclusive restaurant, the Penguin's Nest, and creates a catalog of Gotham's richest signatures to use in a forging scheme while in prison. However, his plan is foiled when Batman and Robin let him go free. 

5:30p ET


Bird's Last Jest, The (2)

The Penguin attempts to botch his self-defense in the trial so he'll be sent to prison. Alfred goes undercover to stop the Penguin's forgery scheme. 

6:00p ET


Cat's Meow, The (1)

Using her Voice-Eraser, the Catwoman plans to steal the voices of British rock singers who are staying at the Wayne Manor. 

6:30p ET


Bats Kow Tow, The (2)

The Catwoman holds British rock singer's voice for ransom. 

7:00p ET


Puzzles Are Coming, The (1)

The Dynamic Duo learn Puzzler and his gang plan to strip Knab and his guests of all their jewels at the christening of the Retsoor, the multibillionaire's new supersonic plane. 

7:30p ET


Duo Is Slumming, The (2)

Robin deactivates the hot-air balloon while Batman goes after the Puzzler. 

8:00p ET


Sandman Cometh, The (1)

The Catwoman teams with The Sandman to lure a rich insomniac. 

8:30p ET


Catwoman Goeth, The (2)

Batman races to save Robin, stop the Sandman from marrying a millionaire, and find his missing Batmobile. Meanwhile, the Sandman plans to double-cross the Catwoman. 

9:00p ET


Contaminated Cowl, The (1)

The Mad Hatter goes on a crime spree stealing the hats of Gotham's citizens. Batman and Robin predict his next stop. 

9:30p ET


Mad Hatter Runs Afoul, The (2)

The Mad Hatter is given carte blanche when Gotham believes Batman and Robin are dead. 

10:00p ET


Zodiac Crimes, The (1)

After the Joker steals a rare art map, Batman and Robin deduce that he is plotting to commit 12 crimes based loosely on astrological signs of the zodiac. Unknown to the Dynamic Duo, the Penguin is in on the crime. 

10:30p ET


Joker's Hard Time, The (2)

The Dynamic Duo arrive at police headquarters in time to chase down the Joker, who continues his zodiac crimes. 

11:00p ET


Penguin Declines, The (3)

Continuing his zodiac crime spree, the Joker turns the entire Gotham City water supply into Joker-jelly and then demands $10 million to change it back! Meanwhile, The Penguin, claiming he has reformed, convinces a woman to remove his criminal record from Batman's Bat-computer. 

11:30p ET


That Darned Catwoman (1)

Robin is drugged and turned into Catwoman's pawn, helping her steal money from Wayne Manor. As the police draw near, she threatens to kill the Boy Wonder, leaving Batman to act on his own. 

12:00a ET


Scat! Darn Catwoman (2)

With no other options, Batman joins Catwoman's gang. Pretending to be under her spell, Batman sets up a trap for her and saves Robin in the meantime. 

12:30a ET


Penguin Is a Girl's Best Friend (1)

After spoiling the filming of the Penguin's new movie, Batman and Robin are forced to appear in the film. Then when Batman tries to spoil a nude milk bath scene with Marsha, the Queen of Diamonds, the Penguin arranges a steamy love scene between them. 

1:00a ET


Penguin Sets a Trend (2)

The Dynamic Duo confront the Penguin who uses movie props to inhibit them. 

1:30a ET


Penguin's Disastrous End (3)

Batman and Robin go after Marsha, Aunt Hilda, and the Penguin as they tamper with a gold vault. 

2:00a ET


Batman's Anniversary (1)

During a surprise anniversary for the Dynamic Duo and the Gotham Police, the Riddler uses a ruse to steal a golden calf filled with charity money. 

2:30a ET


Riddling Controversy, A (2)

The Riddler captures an exiled South American dictator and leaves another puzzle for the Dynamic Duo. 

3:00a ET


Joker's Last Laugh, The (1)

The Joker switches real money for counterfeit in the Gotham City Bank. As Batman and Robin investigate, they reveal the location of the Batcave to Joker's henchwoman. 

3:30a ET


Joker's Epitaph, The (2)

Alfred, dressed as Batman, comes to Robin's rescue. Meanwhile, the Joker steals a signed document making him the Bank Vice President and forces Bruce Wayne to marry his henchwoman. 

4:00a ET


Catwoman Goes to College (1)

The Catwoman has a new parole officer — Bruce Wayne aka the Batman. Meanwhile, she plots to create a Batsuit of her own. 

4:30a ET


Batman Displays His Knowledge (2)

Catwoman and her men have managed to steal the rare Batagonian Cat's Eye Opals but are unable to sell them, as the jeweler thinks they are jinxed. 

5:00a ET


Piece of the Action, A (1)

The Green Hornet and Kato are confronted by an evil foreman running a counterfeit rare-stamp operation out of the factory. The Dynamic Duo get involved. 

5:30a ET


Batman's Satisfaction (2)

Batman and Robin come to the aid of the Green Hornet and Kato, who try to pick up the trail of the escaped stamp counterfeiters. 

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