Sanford and Son

Weeknights at 7p ET | 4p PT

Sanford and Son was another Norman Lear hit, finishing in the top ten of Neilsen ratings for five of its six seasons. Cantankerous widower Fred G. Sanford (Redd Foxx) and his long-suffering peacemaker son Lamont (Demond Wilson) have misadventures as partners in the family junk-dealing business.

Next Airings

Mar 12th 7:30p ET

Sanford and Niece

Fred has a romantic night planned with Donna but Aunt Esther drops in at the last moment with some news, her neice, Elizabeth is in town and she wants Fred to have her stay with him. Fred is against the idea at first but when he takes one look at her he agrees, she is the spitting image of his late-wife, Elizabeth. However, there is another problem, Elizabeth is planning to move into an apartment in town and she will have two roommates, one female and the other male.

Mar 13th 7:00p ET

Julio & Sister & Nephew

Julio's sister and nephew, Carlotta and Roberta, are coming for a visit and Julio has a problem, they are allergic to his pet goat, Chico. Thus, Julio asks Fred and Lamont if it would be okay for them to stay with them. Against the idea at first, Fred quickly softens to them and becomes involved with a problem that Roberto is dealing with at school.

Mar 13th 7:30p ET

Fred's Treasure Garden

With Fred in St. Louis, Grady has been put in charge of taking care of his garden. Grady quickly notices a strange plant growing and assumes that it's wild parsley. However, Rollo is convinced it's marijuana and Lamont decides to turn it into the police. However, when Smitty and Hoppy arrive, the plants are gone but Grady has made dinner for everyone, a nice big salad for everyone.

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