The Odd Couple

Weekdays at 12:30a ET | 9:30p PT

Divorced men looking to save on rent, prim Felix (Tony Randall) and gruff, sloppy Oscar (Jack Klugman) share a New York apartment—and find their lifestyles constantly clashing. Often celebrity guest stars would appear on the series to illustrate the differences between Oscar and Felix, including publisher Hugh Hefner and Betty White.

Next Airings

Mar 25th 12:30a ET

The Subway Show

When Oscar is fed up with New York City, Felix tries to show him it's a fun place, only to have them end up trapped in a stalled subway car.

Mar 26th 12:30a ET

The Paul Williams Show

When Felix keeps a sick Edna from going to a Paul Williams concert, she runs away to become a groupie.

Mar 27th 12:30a ET

Our Fathers

Felix's chance meeting between his and Oscar's fathers.

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