Catchy Flashback: Iconic 70s Saturday Night

Every Saturday

8p - 11p ET

Remember the favorite shows from Saturday night primetime in the 70s.


All in the Family

Weeknights at 8p ET | 5p PT and Saturday at 8p ET | 5p PT


Saturdays at 8:30p ET | 5:30p PT

The Mary Tyler Moore Show

Weekdays at 2p ET | 11a PT and Saturdays at 9p ET | 6p PT

The Bob Newhart Show

Weeknights at 1a ET | 10p PT and Saturdays at 9:30p ET | 6:30p PT

The Carol Burnett Show

Weekdays 5:30a ET | 2:30a PT and Saturdays at 10p ET | 7p PT

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