The Phil Silvers Show

Weeknights at 2:30a ET | 11:30p PT

Sgt. Ernie Bilko (Phil Silvers) calls the shots at Fort Baxter, an unremarkable U.S. Army base in Roseville, Kansas. However, Bilko and his men seem to spend very little time actually performing their duties, with Bilko usually engrossed in the masterminding of some scheme or swindle. The inept though vigilant Col. Hall (Paul Ford) is always on the lookout for the next Bilko-born conspiracy, never failing to get the best of the sergeant in the end.

Next Airings

Mar 13th 2:30a ET

Doberman's Sister

It's family day at Fort Baxter and all the platoon have invited their sister's. They all have date's except Doberman's so Bilko sets out to con Zimmerman into taking her out.

Mar 14th 2:30a ET

Where There's a Will

A member of the platoon is cheated out of his share in his uncles will. The only thing he gets is a parrot so Bilko starts a rumor that the parrot holds the clue to a hidden treasure map.

Mar 15th 2:30a ET

Bilko's Tax Trouble

Through an error Bilko is called before the tax people to explain his earnings

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