Catchy Comedy Schedule

For Columbus, OH

6:00a ET

Full House

Tanner's Island

Danny invites the whole family to Hawaii, where they are accidentally stranded on an island. 

6:30a ET

Full House

Back To School Blues

D.J. has a rough first day at junior high school when she finds all the kids more "grown up" than she is, but she learns that more make-up isn't really the answer. 

7:00a ET

Full House

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

Jesse and Becky have a big argument and discontinue their relationship, only to reunite with the help of D.J. 

7:30a ET

Full House

Nerd For A Day

Stephanie learns a lesson about teasing when she must apologize to a boy for calling him "Duckface." Danny makes a mistake when he chooses Joey to be co-host for a day on his TV show. 

8:00a ET

The Brady Bunch

Marcia Gets Creamed

Peter gets a job at an ice cream parlor under Marcia's supervision. 

8:30a ET

The Brady Bunch

My Brother's Keeper

Bobby saves Peter's life, only to hold it over him. Meanwhile, the Brady girls try to decide on a wallpaper for their room. 

9:00a ET

Animal Outtakes

Episode 115

Our host, Marsha Panuce, introduces young viewers to entertainment animals. 

9:30a ET

Animal Rescue Classics

Animal Rescue Classics 124

Animal Rescue Classics showcases the efforts of compassionate individuals helping all kinds of animals in trouble and each show includes animal care tips. 

10:00a ET

Missing: Cold Cases

Missing: Cold Case 253

10:30a ET

Missing: Cold Cases

Missing: Cold Case 254

11:00a ET


Hi Diddle Riddle (1)

The Riddler stages a scene in order to sue Batman for false arrest. Now the Caped Crusader must uncover the plot before he's forced to reveal his true identity in court. 

11:30a ET


Smack in the Middle (2)

As Batman tries to solve the Riddler's plot, he unwitting leads one of the Riddler's henchwomen, disguised as Robin, into the Batcave. 

12:00p ET


Fine Feathered Finks (1)

The Penguin plots his next caper from prison, and then disguises himself as an umbrella shop owner. 

12:30p ET


Penguin's a Jinx, The (2)

Batman and Robin accompany a bored actress, fearful the Penguin will kidnap her, something he only plans to do after eavesdropping on the Dynamic Duo. 

On Now: 1:00p ET
Batman Joked Is Wild, The (1)

After the Joker escapes from prison, Batman and Robin search for him, certain he'll attack. However, Batman's secret identity is in jeopardy when the Joker finally surfaces. 

1:30p ET


Batman Is Riled (2)

The Joker switches utility belts with Batman as they track him down in his lair. 

2:00p ET


Instant Freeze (1)

Mr. Freeze seeks revenge against Batman, blaming him for his condition and inability to live without a special freezing suit. 

2:30p ET


Rats Like Cheese (2)

After Batman and Robin survive a freeze trap, Mr. Freeze agrees to release Gotham's star baseball pitcher in return for Batman. 

3:00p ET


Zelda the Great (1)

On April Fool's Day, Zelda the Great, world-famous magician, robs one of Gotham City's banks of exactly $100,000, which she uses to pay the mastermind behind her magic acts. Batman uses a ruse to draw her out. 

3:30p ET


Death Worse Than Fate (2)

Zelda the Great sets a trap for Batman and Robin using a deadly magic trick. 

4:00p ET


Riddle a Day Keeps Riddler Away, A (1)

After surviving the explosion unscathed in Episode 1, The Riddler kidnaps King Boris, who will present a miniature statue replica to Gotham. Batman and Robin set a trap using a fake jeweled crown. 

4:30p ET


When the Rat's Away, the Mice Will Play (2)

The Riddler blackmails Commissioner Gordon - unless he's paid a million dollars he'll destroy The Queen Of Freedom Monument along with King Boris. 

5:00p ET


Thirteenth Hat, The (1)

The Mad Hatter, sets out to take revenge against The Batman and the jurors who convicted him. After kidnapping the jury and their hats, he sets his eyes on Batman's cowl. 

5:30p ET


Batman Stands Pat (2)

Batman survives the Mad Hatter's plaster trap and uses a bowler tracking device goes after him. 

6:00p ET


Joker Goes to School (1)

The Joker attempts to recruit high school dropouts for his gang. Batman and Dick Grayson teach the students to make better choices. 

6:30p ET


He Meets His Match, the Grisly Ghoul (2)

Batman and Robin track a female student who joined Joker's gang, but Joker poisons her perfume to cover his tracks. 

7:00p ET


True or False Face (1)

False-Face steals the Mergenberg Crown by masquerading as the Queen's escort, and replaces it with a fake crown with a clue for the Dynamic Duo. 

7:30p ET


Holy Rat Race (2)

Batman and Robin escape a train trap and discover that False-Face intends to rob a bank and replace real money with his fake version. 

8:00p ET


Purr-fect Crime, The (1)

After the Catwoman steals one of two priceless golden cat statuettes, Batman and Robin race to protect the other. However, Catwoman captures Boy Wonder and sics a tiger on Batman. 

8:30p ET


Better Luck Next Time (2)

Robin is left balancing above a tiger pit while Catwoman searches for the hidden treasure using the car statuettes. 

9:00p ET


Penguin Goes Straight, The (1)

After recent heroic feats, the Penguin announces his Penguin Protection Agency, intended to protect the wealth of Gotham City's society crowd. However, the Dynamic Duo suspect “fowl play” and sends Alfred undercover to investigate. 

9:30p ET


Not Yet, He Ain't (2)

Batman and Robin turn the tables of the Penguin and fake their own death in order to unveil his evil plot. 

10:00p ET


Ring of Wax, The (1)

The Riddler smuggles a substance that can eat through anything inside a wax statue of Batman intended for display at Madame Soleil's Wax Museum. 

10:30p ET


Give 'Em the Axe (2)

An explosion renders Batman and Robin unconscious and believed dead by the Riddler. When the Dynamic Duo comes to, it's up to Robin to sneak into the museum and stop the plot to steal ancient treasure inside a sarcophagus. 

11:00p ET


Joker Trumps an Ace, The (1)

The Joker returns to commit what appear to be senseless crimes, until he captures the Maharajah of Nimpah. Later, Batman and Robin are trapped inside a chimney with deadly gas. 

11:30p ET


Batman Sets the Pace (2)

The Joker holds the Maharajah of Nimpah ransom while Batman and Robin search for his as their alter egos, Bruce and Dick. Later, Commissioner Gordon confronts Bruce about running for mayor in California. 

12:00a ET


Curse Of Tut, The (1)

A new villain, King Tut, prepares to claim Gotham City as his new Thebes. 

12:30a ET


Pharaoh's in a Rut, The (2)

Batman sets a trap for King Tut, but is captured along with Tut's faithless Queen Nefertiti. 

1:00a ET


Bookworm Turns, The (1)

The Bookworm, a notorious master of stolen book plots, stages a phony assassination attempt on Commissioner Gordon in order to stage a bomb in the Batmobile. 

1:30a ET


While Gotham City Burns (2)

Batman saves Robin from a giant clock and together, they confront the Bookworm and his monster books. 

2:00a ET


Death in Slow Motion (1)

The Riddler and his cronies interrupt a silent film festival dressed as Charlie Chaplin and The Keystone Cops. Batman and Robin trace Riddler to Mother Gotham's Bakery, where he not only plans to film his robbery in the style of an old film comedy. 

2:30a ET


Riddler's False Notion, The (2)

The Riddle continues his film debut, this time planning to capture the demise of Robin. When Batman comes to the rescue, the Riddler, disguised as a silent film villain, attacks. 

3:00a ET


Fine Finny Friends (1)

The Penguin kidnaps Alfred Pennyworth and brainwashes him to help rob the Multimillionaires' Annual Award Dinner. Later, Batman and Robin are puzzled by Alfred's behavior. 

3:30a ET


Batman Makes the Scene (2)

Batman uses a brainwashed Alfred to stop the Penguin from stealing from the wealthy. 

4:00a ET


Shoot a Crooked Arrow (1)

The Archer, a medieval crook modeled after Robin Hood, steals from Bruce Wayne to give to the poor Gothamites. When Batman and Robin try to stop him, appreciative Gotham's citizens get in their way. 

4:30a ET


Walk the Straight and Narrow (2)

The Archer interferes with the Wayne Foundation's plan to help poor Gothamites. Alfred, disguised as Batman, Robin, and Bruce discover the real money has been switched with the Archer's fake cash. 

5:00a ET


Hot Off the Griddle (1)

After the Catwoman opens a school for cat-burglars, the Dynamic Duo use a fake story to draw her out, only to realize the story's writer was in league with her. 

5:30a ET


Cat and the Fiddle, The (2)

The Catwoman attempts to steal priceless violins, but an undercover Robin interferes. 

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