
Poll: Which of these Klinger looks from M*A*S*H is your favorite?
All of Klinger's looks were iconic, but which look is your favorite?

Are these fun facts about Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. true or false?
Some of these fun facts may come as a "surprise, surprise, surprise!"

Can you remember the military rank of all these Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. characters?
Do you know who was a private, a corporal or a sergeant?

Who appeared in these films: Lucille Ball or Vivian Vance?
Can you tell these two besties apart?

Out of all these M*A*S*H truths, can you figure out which one is the lie?
Here's the truth: M*A*S*H is one of the most iconic TV series ever, and we want to test your knowledge of it.

Answer these questions and we'll give you date night plans!
No idea what to do for a date night? We've got you covered!

Who said it: Granny from The Beverly Hillbillies or Mama from Mama's Family?
Can't you just hear both Granny and Mama saying, ''Night clubbing ain't enough, now she's turning you into a daytime playboy"?

Can you tell if these images of Buddy Foster are from Mayberry R.F.D. or something else?
He was all over TV in the late '60s and early '70s – not just as Mike Jones!

Enough of this ''and'' business. It's time to choose: Laverne OR Shirley?
There can only be one!

Are these real episode titles for Laverne & Shirley, or did we make them up?
Is "Two of Our Weirdos Are Missing" an actual episode title, or did we make that up?

Which Lucy mood best represents you?
Today's mood is all about loving Lucy.

Are these real Happy Days episode titles or did we just make them up?
Will it be a thumbs up or a thumbs down from The Fonz?

Are these fun facts about Happy Days true or false?
Can you be like Fonzie and keep your cool while testing your Happy Days knowledge?

Can you tell if these fun facts about Gilligan's Island are real or not?
The next time there's a Gilligan's Island trivia night, you'll know the island better than its castaways!

Do these side characters outshine the main character in their own show?
Do these side characters deserve top billing?

Are these real episode titles for Gilligan's Island or did we make them up?
Is "Home Sweet Hut," a real episode or did we just make that up?

Did these guest stars ever make an appearance on The Mary Tyler Moore Show?
"You’ve got spunk!" Let’s see if you’ve got the knowledge to match.

Are these true fun facts about Alan Alda or Jamie Farr?
Which one of them played tennis with Gene Wilder and which was inspired by Danny Thomas to start acting?

Who is wearing these Christmas sweaters and outfits on Full House?
Sweaters were a common theme during holiday season at the Tanner household.

Can you name these celebrities in The Love Boat Christmas episode?
Three Santas and a Wonder Dog walk into a boat…

Merry Milwaukee: A Happy Days Christmas quiz!
Sunday, Monday— Christmas Time! Tuesday, Wednesday— Christmas Time!

Can you remember the names of these sports players who became actors?
See if you can score big on this quiz!

Do these classic shows have a Thanksgiving episode or not?
Many series had Christmas episodes, but which ones celebrated Turkey Day?

Were these celebrities ever roasted on The Dean Martin Celebrity Roast?
Will you get roasted or will you be the roastmaster?

Is this fun fact about Rob Reiner or Rob Petrie from The Dick Van Dyke Show?
Make sure you've got your Robs in a row!

Is this episode title from The Brady Bunch or The Brady Brides?
Can you tell your Brady episodes apart?

Quincy Jones - How well do you know his music?
Was he involved with these tunes?

Are these fun facts about ALF true or false?
Will your score be out of this world, or will it end in a crash landing?

Who wore these costumes on Full House?
Which Tanner do these Halloween costumes belong to?

Do you know who sang these hit pop songs used as ALF episode titles?
ALF episodes were titled after classic hits. But whose hits?

Was this celebrity ever a guest on The Muppet Show?
Did these celebrities make it to the Muppet stage? Hurry before the final curtain call!

Which of these Laurel and Hardy films came out first?
The duo released more than 100 films together, but which movies were earlier on the timeline?

Which of these characters made their debut first?
Which came first?

John Amos: Which character did he play?
R.I.P. to the legend!

Was this nostalgic song performed on Happy Days?
Try not to sing along to this quiz!

What show is John Amos on?
John Amos didn't always play a dad of three living in Chicago, sometimes he wasn't a dad at all.

Which original show developed more spinoffs?
Don't spin out, spin-off!

Did these characters deserve their own spinoff series?
Did Mork really need a spinoff? You decide!

Poll: Tell us your I Love Lucy opinions!
No need to ‘splain—just tell us your opinion!

Is this Ted Danson in Cheers or something else?
He appeared in TV hits and obscure misses before his big break as Sam Malone.

Were these movies directed by Penny Marshall or Ron Howard?
Was it Richie Cunningham or Laverne DeFazio?

A quiz about Potsie and Ralph
Quick, which one's which?!

Do you prefer these spinoffs or the original?
Choose your favorite!

Lenny? Or Squiggy?
Also, do you find them annoying?

Do these events happen before or after Fonzie jumps the shark?
"Eyyyy" for "After."

Happy Days Theme Song Quiz
You know this tune!

Are you more like Felix or Oscar from The Odd Couple?
Find out which half of this duo you're most like!

Can you tell which I Love Lucy episode these funny photos belong to?
Let's see how much you really love Lucy!

Are these real Car 54, Where Are You? plot descriptions or did we just make them up?
See if you can remember all the crimes these buddy cops tried to solve!

Answer these questions and we'll tell you which TV house you're calling home!
It's time to go home, but first, we need to find out where you're living.

Were these stars ever guests on The Brady Bunch?
Do you remember seeing these celebs on The Brady Bunch?

Is this an episode of My Three Sons or a Fred MacMurray Disney movie?
Do you know the difference between ‘The Shaggy Dog’ and ‘It’s a Dog’s Life’?

Can you tell the difference between the first and last episodes of My Three Sons?
The classic sitcom underwent many changes over its long twelve-year run.

Can you name all these celebrity guest stars on My Three Sons?
Do you recognize these famous faces?

Are these Full House fun facts true or false?
Let's have some family fun! How much do you know about this iconic '90s family?

Honeymooners: True or False?
See if you can recall what's fact and what's not!

Is this the title of a celebrity memoir or a television reunion?
How much nostalgia can you handle?

What's wrong with Fred Sanford in these scenes?
At this point, Fred Sanford invented the word dramatic.

Are these the names of Batman or All in the Family characters?
Imagine seeing Archie and Edith in the Batmobile.

Direct a Batman movie and we'll give you a Batman to fight crime with
Holy cast list, Batman!

Batman, or nah? Which shows are these pictures from?
Holy still images Batman!

Can you name all of these obscure Batman villains?
Deploy your best Bat answers!

Can you name these characters played by Dick Van Dyke?
He's been around forever. How much do you remember?

Can you tell a difference between The Monkees song titles and The Monkees TV episode titles?
Can you listen to the title ‘’A Better World,’’ or do you watch it?

Can you I.D. all these celebrity guest stars on The Monkees?
Which famous actress was just a girl they knew somewhere?

Who said these lines on The Dick Van Dyke Show?
You know the show, now who said these quotes?

Who's that Brady?
Which man named Brady is it?

Do us a favor and name that Vicki Lawrence character
Careful Vicki, this could get tricky!

Who said it: Carol, Carroll, or Carol?
Burnett, Brady, or O'Connor?

Are these real All in the Family episodes... or nah?
Which of these All in the Family episodes are all in your head?

All Out the Family: Was it Jean Stapleton or Sally Struthers?
Do you know your work outside of the show?

Can you name these Mama's Family characters?
Let's see how well you remember the Harpers and their neighbors!

Can you complete these Dick Van Dyke Show episode titles with the right animals?
Which cute but shaggy creature was dubbed “the ugliest in the world”?

How well do you know Alice from The Brady Bunch?
It takes a Brady expert to get a bunch of these answers correct.

Is this first season Stephanie or last season Michelle in Full House?
The sitcom sisters started and ended the series at similar ages.

How well do you know Tim Conway?
He made you laugh. Now, we'll make you think!

Can you tell the difference between Mama’s Family and The Carol Burnett Show?
The Harper family starred in sketches before getting a sitcom.

Can you match Cheers characters to the first things they ever said on the show?
How well do you remember what everyone said first on Cheers?

What were the first lines for The Brady Bunch family?
From full sentences to single words, what were the first lines from The Brady Bunch?

Are these the names of forgotten comedy series or did we make them up?
There are so many subgenres of comedy that even these shows sound real.

Are you more like Carol Brady or Edith Bunker?
Two moms. Two wives. Two classic women.

Is this Demond Wilson on All in the Family, Sanford and Son or The Love Boat?
A few times, Wilson could be seen outside of the Sanford junkyard.

Can you complete the lyrics to the famous closing song from The Carol Burnett Show?
It helps to hum along as you go!

Can you finish Mama's lines from Mama's Family?
Your guess is as good as any to determine what Mama might say next.

How well do you know your comedy twosomes?
Be careful, this quiz is sure to be TWICE as hard!

Can you put the many shows of TV icons in chronological order?
Lucille Ball, Andy Griffith, William Shatner and many more starred in shows across different decades.

Who said these funny lines on The Dick Van Dyke Show?
Can you match the character to the catchphrase or one-liner?

The ultimate Brady Bunch ''this or that'' quiz
We want to know who your favorite Brady is!

Which Carol Burnett Show character are you?
Are you more like Mama Harper or Mrs. Wiggins?

Do you remember the names of these love interests on Good Times?
Love was in the air at the Evans family house.

Can you name these famous Laverne & Shirley guest stars?
Many went on to star in hit movies and TV shows.

Can you name the Mama's Family character we've hidden?
Name the character we've hidden!

Are these episodes of The Honeymooners or All in the Family?
Which husband is causing trouble in these episodes: Archie Bunker or Ralph Kramden?

Do you remember how all these Love Boat characters are related?
These mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles and siblings all came aboard the Pacific Princess – whether they were welcome or not!

Who sang these songs: The Monkees or The Brady Bunch?
It's a Sunshine Day vs. Pleasant Valley Sunday!

Are these guest stars from the first season or the last season of The Carol Burnett Show?
Do these celebs seem more 1967 or 1978?

Would you wear it? The Mike Brady look book
Robert Reed could wear anything.

Mama's Family: Are these real plot descriptions, or nah?
Real Mamas Only!

How well do you know Fred Sanford?
He's the man that never backs down. He's Fred G. Sanford.

Pick your favorite hairstyle for each character on The Brady Bunch!
Who is a fan of the Mike Brady perm?

Can you tell the difference between a Blondie song and a Love Boat story?
Can you find rapture — or will this quiz trick you one way or another?

Is this an episode of The Dick Van Dyke Show or a Dick Van Dyke movie?
Do you know the difference between "Fitzwilly" and "The Twizzle"?

Who is Archie Bunker yelling these lines at?
Archie did a LOT of yelling. Can you tell who these lines were directed at?

Who said it: Fred Sanford or James Evans?
These two vocal fathers were never scared to speak their minds.

How well do you know the legendary career of Carol Burnett?
Do you know you all of her amazing appearances in variety shows, sitcoms, dramas, movies and on Broadway?

How well do you know the career of Vicki Lawrence?
She hosted a talk show and even released a disco album!

Who said these catchphrases and famous lines on Full House?
Can you figure out who said these classic lines throughout the show?

Can you name these Sanford and Son recurring characters?
From friends to family members and police officers, who are these characters that visited the Sanford home?

Can you fill in the missing lyrics to All in the Family's theme song?
You might find yourself singing the song as you complete the quiz.

How well do you know the onscreen career of Cindy Williams?
From her bigger roles to obscure appearances, think you know the career of the late, great Cindy Williams?

Are these real Brady Bunch specials, or did we make them up?
Step right up, and don't think twice. It's another Brady Bunch quiz, but will you get the answers right?

Which Honeymooners character said these lines?
You might go straight to the moon after taking this quiz!

Did Norman Lear create these classic shows?
You can watch a few of Lear's classic shows right here on Catchy Comedy!

Is this Lucille Ball in I Love Lucy or The Lucy Show?
Is she Lucy Ricardo or Lucy Carmichael in these images?

Are these characters from Sanford and Son or All in the Family?
These sitcoms were thriving in the '70s.

Can you fill in the missing word to these Mama's Family episodes?
Mama never went missing, but these titles are missing a word!

Are these plots to episodes of The Honeymooners or Mama's Family?
If Ralph Kramden was a member of Mama's Family, there would've been a lot of bickering between him and Mama.

Do you agree with IMDb's Top 10 Episodes of All in the Family?
Should these episodes be ranked higher or lower?!

Do you remember the traits of J.J.'s love interests?
There were so many girls that had heart eyes for J.J.

Can you match these Honeymooners descriptions to the right episode?
Many of the 39 episodes of the series follow a similar storyline, so can you tell which episode these descriptions belong to?

Which came first: I Love Lucy or these household products?
Were these things introduced before or after the iconic sitcom’s 1951 premiere?

Who said it: Laverne or Shirley?
They went together like milk and Pepsi. Can you remember who said these classic lines from the show?

Were these shows produced by Norman Lear, or someone else?
He defined sitcoms for a generation — how well do you know your TV history?

How well do you remember the opening credits to Petticoat Junction?
Do you remember watching this little train roll down the tracks?

How well do you know celebrity guest stars on All in the Family?
You might remember these faces from appearances on All in the Family, but do you know their names and other roles?

Can you guess the movie by its parody on The Carol Burnett Show?
Do these spoofs look familiar?

Fill in the blanks: The Petticoat Junction closing credits quiz
Let's see if you know these names!

Do you know the lyrics to the Full House theme song "Everywhere You Look?"
Will humming this classic theme song over the years help you on this quiz?

Can you unscramble the names of these classic TV moms?
Umm… can you find the name of the mum?

Can you recognize all these guest stars on I Love Lucy?
Movie stars, character actors and a future TV mogul all appeared on the show!

Can you match these catchphrases to the classic comedian?
"Take my quiz… please."

Can you name all these Sixties stars in Full House?
Can you recognize these singers, comedians and former child stars?

Can you tell the difference between Carol Burnett and Lucille Ball?
How well do you know these two comedy icons?

Can you guess what Mr. Haney is selling on Green Acres?
Fill in the blank on these hackneyed Haney hustles.

Can you tell the difference between a Green Acres episode and a Dolly Parton hit?
Diamonds and rhinestones can look alike, you know.

Fill in the missing character names from these Happy Days episode titles
Who married the Fonz? Who moved out? Who went to jail?

Which of these guest stars on The Love Boat was in more episodes?
It seemed like everyone made an appearance on the boat, but who set sail most often?

Who said it: Ricky Ricardo or Fred Mertz?
The two friends never spared anyone, especially their wives.

Can you name the TV star hosting Saturday Night Live in the 1970s?
See if you recognize these guest hosts from the first five seasons.

Was I Love Lucy the first TV show to do these things or not?
The iconic sitcom broke barriers in front of and behind the camera.

Is this an actual quote from a famous actor or someone doing an impression on Saturday Night Live?
Can you pick out the real deal?

Can you fill in the right job titles for all the Love Boat crew members?
Do you know what jobs Julie, Isaac, Gopher and the rest had aboard the Pacific Princess?

Which Green Acres character best matches your personality?
Are you an Oliver, a Lisa or maybe an Eb?

Can you complete these running gags from Green Acres?
The show had many recurring jokes from the costumes to the credits.

Which Evans family member said these hilarious lines?
In the Evans family, cracking jokes is a part of their love language.

Who appeared more often on The Carol Burnett Show?
Many celebrities appeared multiple times, but who stopped by the most?

Can you tell if these fun facts about Mama's Family are real or not?
Next time there is a 'Mama's Family' trivia night, just take this quiz to prepare!

Can you fill in the missing lyrics to Good Times' theme song?
We know you'll have a good time completing this quiz!

What happened next in these classic I Love Lucy scenes?
See how well you remember 11 iconic sitcom scenarios.

Which Sanford and Son character said these lines?
Fred Sanford and his family and friends were VERY outspoken.

Can you guess which Good Times supporting character we're describing?
Only real Good Times fans can pass this quiz!

Can you finish the classic television insult?
We'll be insulted if you don't take this quiz.

Can you match each teacher to a Brady Bunch kid?
Who taught these kooky kids?

Can you understand all this beatnik slang from The Beverly Hillbillies?
Are you hep or are you square, Daddy-O?

Can you spot the one thing wrong in these scenes from The Brady Bunch?
You've never seen The Brady Bunch like this.

Are these famous guest stars on The Carol Burnett Show or Saturday Night Live?
Results may vary for this variety show quiz!

Are these fun facts about Vicki Lawrence or Carol Burnett?
Which one is really into yacht racing, and which used to be a movie theater usher?

Did these things happen on The Brady Bunch to Marcia or Jan?
It's Marcia vs. Jan, the ultimate showdown!

Did Tim Conway appear in these Carol Burnett Show sketches?
We're laughing just thinking about these hilarious sketches.

Who said it: Archie Bunker or Ralph Kramden?
The house, the finances and the food. All things Archie and Ralph talk about in just about every episode of their respective shows. Can you tell them apart?

Can you remember the names of all these animals in Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.?
Gomer named a cat, a skunk and even a crow that he took a liking to.

Only the biggest fans of The Odd Couple can score 10/12 on this quiz
How well do you remember TV's most memorable roommates?

Is this a Brady Bunch episode or a song by The Mamas & The Papas?
Do some "California Dreamin'" with these beloved boy-girl groups.

Are these episodes of Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. or zany Sixties comedy films?
Do you know “Cat Overboard” from “The Monkey’s Uncle”?

Are these fun facts about Night Court true or false?
Night Court was an iconic TV series from the mid-'80s, that's a fact.

Are these fun facts about Sanford and Son true or false?
Let's pretend it's Sanford and Son trivia night! Pull up a chair, come up with a team name and try this true or false trivia quiz!

Who is your Full House best friend?
Want to find out who your Full House best friend is? Well, "You got it dude." Let's match you with your new BFF.

Can you tell the difference between Mama’s Family episodes and country songs?
Hint: The right answer has “Mama” in it…

These Full House episodes are named after famous songs — can you match them all to the right artists?
"Jesse’s Girl," "Luck Be a Lady" and "Baby Love" are memorable episodes inspired by songs recorded by… who?

Can you remember if Jack Klugman was ever a guest on these series?
We know he was on The Odd Couple, but he was also on a couple of other odd TV shows.

Was Richard Moll ever a guest star on this television show?
This quiz is no Bull! We know he was on Night Court, but what else was Richard Moll in?

Can you name all these singers aboard The Love Boat?
Some played hilarious characters while others appeared as themselves!

Can you fill in these Looney Tunes titles with the right rhyme?
Can you claim to name these names?

Which Bugs Bunny mood are you?
There is no doubt that Bugs Bunny is a whole mood, but which mood best matches your personality?

How well do you know the guest stars of Night Court?
See how well you know the visitors in the Manhattan Criminal Court in this mammoth guest star quiz!

Are these real episode titles for Mama's Family or did we make them up?
Is "Cat's Meow" a real episode or did we just make that up?

How well do you know the Full House family tree?
Do you know your Full House family tree? Let's test your knowledge of the many, many people under one roof!

Are these real episode titles for Sanford and Son, or did we just make them up?
Is "Wine, Women and Aunt Esther" a real episode title, or did we just make that up?

Are these fun facts about All in the Family true or false?
Learn all about the family with this All in the Family quiz!

Which of these Looney Tunes could you beat in a fight?
The First Annual Bugs Bunny Brawl

How well do you know these Brady Bunch baseball episodes?
Can you knock this quiz out of the park?

How well do you remember the All In The Family theme song?
Finish the lyric: Those were the _____!

Do you know these Bugs Bunny firsts?
Do you actually know what is, in fact, up, doc?

How well do you remember the series premiere of All in the Family?
How much can you recall about meeting Archie, Edith, Gloria and Michael for the first time?