Sony Pictures Television

What's wrong with Fred Sanford in these scenes?

When Fred Sanford isn't calling people a "big dummy," his next favorite words are, "I'm coming to join you, Elizabeth." 

Fred Sanford is dramatic. Whenever something doesn't go his way, a lightbulb shines over his head, and he starts acting foolish. Does it work? Sometimes, but you can bet that his antics always come back to bite him! 

Since almost every episode includes Fred and his dramatic ways, we want to see if you can tell what's wrong with the junkyard owner.
  1. What's wrong with Fred Sanford in this scene?
      Sony Pictures Television
  2. Uh, Oh. Looks like Fred is upset, and Lamont has to hold him back. What's wrong with him in the episode "This Little TV Went To Market"?
      Sony Pictures Television
  3. What happened to Fred?
      Sony Pictures Television
  4. Here's Fred doing his most popular dramatic stance. Why?
      Sony Pictures Television
  5. Why is Fred outside in the episode "Card Sharps"?
      Sony Pictures Television
  6. Well, looks like Fred isn't having a good day. What's wrong with him in the episode, "A Matter of Life and Breath"?
      Sony Pictures Television
  7. A sad Fred?! Why is he making this face in the episode "Presenting the Three Degrees"?
      Sony Pictures Television
  8. Why is Fred drenched in water?
      Sony Pictures Television

What's wrong with Fred Sanford in these scenes?

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