Sony Pictures Television
Are these real episode titles for Sanford and Son, or did we just make them up?
Whether you've watched just about every episode or are watching for the first time on Catchy Comedy, can you guess which episode titles are real and which are fake? Test your knowledge of Sanford and Son episodes below. Good luck!
"A Matter of Life and Breath"
"Tooth or Consequences"
"Sanford in Solitaire"
"Wine, Women and Aunt Esther"
"Inside Fred's Head"
"Sanford Plus One"
"We Were Robbed"
"A Spot for Lamont"
"Fred Sanford, Legal Eagle"
"Lamont as Othello"
"Real Pain"
"This Little TV Went to Market"
Are these real episode titles for Sanford and Son, or did we just make them up?
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