The misstatement of the century: Mary Tyler Moore once referred to herself as ''plain'' and ''simple''
Everyone struggles with their self-esteem from time to time, and celebrities are no different. Those we idolize for being successful and attractive deal with the same self-worth problems as everyone else.
Mary Tyler Moore was known as the "it" girl of television. As the star of shows like The Dick Van Dyke Show and The Mary Tyler Moore Show, if Moore had an ego, you couldn't really blame her. However, Moore stayed caring and humble throughout her career, the exact opposite of a prima donna. Television can be a rough business, and Moore's feelings were hurt more than once by losing roles because of how she looked.
But, even in the face of her success, Moore was still unwilling to acknowledge her effect on people and her appeal to the public.
"You know I'm really amazed that men refer to me as sexy," she said during an interview with the Ledger-Star. "As far as I'm concerned I'm just a freckle-faced, pugnosed, plain and simple girl next door."
Moore was also a hero to young women everywhere, who looked up to her.
"The girls want to know about how I wear my hair, select my clothes, how to get into show business and they usually ask for an autographed picture," she said.
Moore even insinuated that a former first lady also took inspiration from her, at least in terms of her hair. Of the look, Moore said, "It's sort of the Jackie Kennedy look but I had it before she did. I'm flattered to think maybe she borrowed it from me."
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