CBS Television Distribution

Enough of this ''and'' business. It's time to choose: Laverne OR Shirley?

Be honest: If you had to choose between Laverne and Shirley, who would you pick? We've decided to settle the matter in this poll! We've listed some activities, and you've got to decide whether you'd rather have Laverne or Shirley by your side!

  1. Who would you rather have as a best friend?
  2. Who would you want on your side in an argument?
  3. Who would you rather go on a road trip with?
  4. Who would you want to go on a double date with?
  5. Who would you rather help you study for a big test?
  6. Who would you rather swap wardrobes with?
  7. Who would you rather share a meal with?
  8. Who would you rather have as a roommate?
  9. Who would you rather play on a game show with?
  10. Who would you rather start a band with?

Enough of this ''and'' business. It's time to choose: Laverne OR Shirley?

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