Sony Pictures Television
Who said it: Fred Sanford or James Evans?
We want to see if you can tell which father said these lines of dialogue.
Good luck!
Who said it:" [to someone at the door] I can't open the door; you too ugly!"
Who said it: "Your membership in this family is getting shakier by the minute."
Who said it: "For a dummy, you make a lot of sense."
Who said it: "I wish one of you would come over here and try to cut my phone off. I'd put my foot in your - Hello?"
Who said it: "If I do have hypertension, y'all gave it to me wit' all that nickin' and naggin' goin' on."
Who said it: "Why shouldn't I call you deer? You look like Bambi's father!"
Who said it: "We otta biscuits balloon belly."
Who said it: " You know what I'm gonna leave the world when I go? A tombstone that reads "Here [he lies]. Back in the hole again".
Who said it: "I'm 65. People say I look 55. I feel 45. I'd settle for 35 and you make me feel 25."
Who said it: "D*mn, I'd hate to think what he looked like before he was using it.
Who said it: Fred Sanford or James Evans?
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