Here's what Christmas meant to Lucille Ball, Mike Connors and more in 1973
For celebrities such as Lucille Ball, Mike Connors and Mary Tyler Moore, Christmas has many meanings. From spending time with family to holiday shopping and giving back to the community, there is a little Christmas spirit in each of them.
Let's take a look at what these six celebrities said in an 1973 interview with a Kingsport Times and a 1981 interview with The Modesto Bee when asked "What does Christmas mean to you?"

Mary Tyler Moore
Image credit: The Everett Collection
The Mary Tyler Moore Show
"Christmas to me means family - family and presents and wrapping paper and ribbon; a tree and lights and holly and all sorts of decorations, indoors and out. (It means) tripping over the dogs and keeping them away from the cookies; Christmas cards on the piano and the mantel and new names hastily added to old lists; and a big, big family dinner - that's what Christmas means at our house."

Lucille Ball
Image credit: The Everett Collection
I Love Lucy, The Lucy Show
"Christmas means getting to gather with the kids and all the family, at home or in Snowmass, Colo., where I have a condominium. Ironically, I broke my leg skiing right after I bough this place, but the mishap hasn't kept me off skis. I get everyone together and we go cross-country skiing. I just love it. I pack picnic baskets and away we go! This year... we'll gather at home in Beverly Hills and have an old-fashioned Christmas dinner with turkey, cranberry sauce and persimmon cake."

Mike Connors
Image credit: The Everett Collection
"To me, Christmas means a time when love of family and friends is more openly expressed. The tragedy of the American family is that the emotion of love is usually buried and only surfaces during the Christmas season. Let's hope the philosophy of the present Love Generation rectifies all that!"

Dennis Weaver
Image credit: The Everett Collection
"I attend the Church of Self Realization, and I have come to understand that an individual's peace is carried within him. The object of our senses doesn't have the power to make us happy. For example, you see a hat and you buy it. Then you're happy, you say. But when you get it, almost immediately the pleasure begins to fade away. If it had the power within itself to make happiness, then it would do so for everybody. But it doesn't. So you see, it's what's within you that creates peace and breeds gentleness. And that's the way I feel about Christmas - it's a time to get in touch with the feelings within you."

Lynda Carter
Image credit: The Everett Collection
Wonder Woman
"Games are a good bet for gifts, because they encourage families to interact - something that isn't done enough today. My favorite gifts to buy are the ones for needy children. I usually buy about 200 toys. But my real reward is hearing from them afterward, and knowing how much the gifts mean to them."

Erik Estrada
Image credit: The Everett Collection
"I'm really into health and fitness - and I'm always trying to win over new recruits - so I do a lot of my Christmas shopping at a good sporting goods store. Try it, you'll like it."
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